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Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateSeptember 13, 2016
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaOther
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

The alluring possibility of earning more while working fewer hours is a much more realistic possibility than most accountants realize. This webinar describes three proven success principles you can apply to make this a realty in your practice. We’ll share stories of how your colleagues have applied these principles, and the hidden obstacles to success you must clear out in order to succeed.

Here’s a quick overview of what we’ll cover:
1) The nature of the relationship you MUST establish with your clients to earn higher, value based fees
2) Keys to communicating your value in ways that compels clients to engage in paying higher fees
3) Removing hidden obstacles to simplify your path to implementing these proven principles

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"I really enjoyed the webinar. Changing my mindset and that of the public in regard to fees is a huge hurdle for me.I do not have a product on the shelf for a price. All basketballs are not priced at $10.I believe I gained a skill set that will start me on the road to being paid what I am worth, and not what a fee schedule dictates."
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Connie, OH

"I really enjoyed this webinar!! The information was presented in such a way that could be applied to any type of practice. Rick was extremely knowledgable and very good at presenting the information. Looking forward to applying these ideas in our practice."
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Lea, OK

"Wow. The enlightenment I received during this course was astounding! Mr. Solomon's presentation was simple yet effective, which is how not only our practice, but our lives should be. Anything Mr. Solomon presents is WELL worth your time to experience."
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Anae, DC

"Great use of real stories and other examples to provide attendees with situations that they can relate to. Great job answering questions and providing helpful solutions that attendees can apply to their own businesses and lives."
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Katherine, CO

"This topic was very helpful, and the presenter was perfect. I learned a great deal and am interested in learning more about the programs that the presenter offers. Thank you for adding value to my day!"
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Michael, CA

"This was one of the best webinars I've attended because of the interactive way Rick spoke about the subject and how to apply it to my current practice. Very insightful and inspiring."
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"Semnar was spectacular. I know I severely under value my services. I gleaned some great ideas about how to get my clients to make an increased investment in my services."
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Lennytsie, FL

"Excellent Presentation. Rick Solomon is a great speaker. I am going to implement what I learned today. Thanks to Matt too. For ever thankful, Lennytsie Gonzalez CPA"
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Rick Solomon, CPA, is the President of the Center for Enlightened Business, a coaching company dedicated to helping accountants win much more profitable work and attract much better clients. Rick is a world-renowned coach, consultant, and thought leader in the accounting profession and has helped thousands of accountants add millions of dollars to their bottom line. Rick’s made it his life’s work to inspire, empower, and support accountants in becoming significantly more profitable while restoring balance in their work and life.

About Our Presenter

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We empower business leaders to achieve greater levels of success, happiness, and fulfillment by providing the formula for amazing transformation. Through two incredible programs, our members experience first-hand what it means to learn and integrate the Enlightened Approach™ into their work.